Monday, July 9, 2007

If there is one thing more unpredictable than me, it will be the weather. It is getting more and more upsetting.
I was bound to work last night, the road was still dry when I left the boarding house. Everything seems to be going my way. I was able to seat at my favorite spot in the jeep (beside the driver) in peace, but there was this fat lady who is keep on staring me last night acting like it was the first time he saw a guy wearing a pink shirt, duh! I was looking at the side mirror, assessing how I look, and then suddenly the rain just poured.

It was really irritating! It was the first time I saw the rain pour heavily and it drizzle. And take note, they take turns... And since I was beside the driver, and there is a fat lady that is between us. I was really soaking wet. How will I describe it? Think of it this way, half of my body is warm and dry like the Sahara Dessert and my other half is Wet and Freezing like the Arctic Ocean. Kagagaling ko palang naman sa trangkaso, (huhu. :'c )... And I am still half way before I get to RCBC... Then there is no dryer in our Washroom (discrimination! the ladies have one.)... Lastly, its qualifying week...

No offense, I really love the rain! I love the rain when I am at home and sleeping, I adore it, when I am looking at it from my office window. But, if its possible, please dont rain when I am on the streets... Please lang po... ü

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