Why did i never see it coming? I've been looking at his friendster account since i dont know, and I just saw it now. His occupation: Sr Executive - QA. Sr Executive, meaning like a QA Supervisor in PS, someone who handles Quality Analyst. Maybe I'm wrong, but why does it have a Sr Executive discription?
I also noticed one of his friends commenting on him changing her schedule, he has the power to change someone else's sched! I know this industry that much that when I know someone who has the capacity to change scheds, it means that you are someone who really made it in this industry. Crap, I really dont know what I am feeling, I really like him, but he is too good for me. He is too successful for me. I really hate it when I feel intimidated. I am confident with myself, I am strong, but sometimes I feel so fucked up.
I really admire his humility. His attitude. His awesome smile. But I admire more someone who has the honesty to tell things... And now he stopped texting, he stopped communicating. After I expressed how I adore him, how I care, how he means the world to me, he stopped communicating. Sometimes the truth really sucks, but what sucks more is that you have to put yourself back together because you beleive in a lie.
When will I learn? I don't know... All I know now is that things happen for a reason, maybe we don't deserve each other, and now, Lord made me realize that I can never live in a fantasy. I will never deserve him. Because I am dark and twisted, and he is...so beautiful, such a beautiful disaster. ü
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